Prayer requests can be submitted to:

Please pray for Marilyn, she is 85 years young.  She recentlu fell and got a brian bleed.  She is trying to get on her feet again, but it is proving to be a very long road to recovery.  1/21
Please pray for Towana, she broke her wrist yesterday.  Pray that the swelling goes down so that they can cast it. She also found out yesterday that they found another water leak in her home.  1/16 
Please pray for Gene.  He has ear cancer will have surgery in January.  12/21 Update-  Gene had surgery on Thursday.  They were able to sucessfully remove his entire ear canal.  He is already back home and just celebrated his 90 birthday. 1/21
Please pray for a sister who is having family matters.  Pray that the Lord will give her wisdom on what to do.
Please pray for Mia, she is 5 years old and has recently been diagnosed with leukemia.  Please pray a healing and for her familys salvation.
Please pray for a sister who is having health concerns.  Please pray for wisdom for the doctors on how to treat her.
Please pray for Robin for relief from her back pain. Give the dr.s wisdom in how to treat her. 9/11
Please pray for Janet for salvation. 9/11
Please pray for Glen for his PTSD and GI issues and for salvation.  9/11
Please continue to pray for Kevin, that our Lord would heal him.  Please give him a doctor with wisdom in how to treat him. 9/15  Please continue for Kevin, that the Lord would continue to have his hand on his lungs and to continue to keep his heart strong.  12/1
Please lift up Virginia in your prayers.  She is having  heart issues.  Pray for wisdom for the doctors so they would know how to treat her. 11/13    1/16Update- Virginia still needs to go and have more tests done to rule out things.  She is still very leary to have these test performed.
Please pray for the victims of the wild fires in Souther California.  We pray for protection for all the firefighters, first respondsers, National Guard, police officers and everyone helping in the recovery effort.  That you would protect all the homes and businesses from looters.  1/16
Please lift Hannah and Isaiah up in prayer, they are prodigals.
Please pray for Jeff for he has a lung issue.  His next treatment is  on 10/11. He will be having monthly treatments for 6 months. 




